About Atlantis

Atlantis inspires, motivates and teaches people to gain better control and understanding of their finances and to reach their financial objectives by creating personalized strategies. At Atlantis we take into account your personality, tendencies as well as your goals and capabilities. Together with our partners, we’re committed to helping you achieve Financial Freedom.

Global presence empowers Atlantis Equity Investments to provide clients with guidance, learning, and a multitude of Worldwide tools. Based on 26 years of experience, our Personal Financial Coaching Matrix enables individuals to achieve Financial Freedom the soonest, in the most optimal ways, while maintaining an enjoyable Life Journey.

26 Years of Collective Experience

Presence in the Middle East & Europe, with Partners in the US and UK

Pledged Combined Portfolio of $68 Million

98% Retention of Clients

Some of the Sectors we Serve

Our sector specialisms are not exhaustive and our teams can guide you through your legal concerns specific to the industry you work within.

Our Expertize & Services



More than two decades of observing people make choices creates a deep understanding of the impact of decisions on quality of life. We have the ability to make sure that your choices are compatible with your definition of a life of Balance and Passion.



The ultimate goal for any individual is to achieve the ability to remove obligation from their financial lives. Financial Freedom is achievable. And we have the right strategic partners, through whom we can help you achieve it.

Our Companies

Atlantis Equity Investments is a network of four companies in three countries.
Atlantis services small

Atlantis Services EU offers real estate acquisitions in Cyprus, with efficient property management and high rental returns

Atlantis private equity small

Atlantis Private Equity invests in a diversified portfolio of real estate assets in Europe

Atlantis financial consulting small

Atlantis Financial Consulting has perfected the investment choices that fit our Personal Financial Strategy Matrix

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Atlantis Financials worldwide is a brokerage that offers the above solutions through strategic and hedge funds capital and humanitarian relief funds

Contact Us

Book your free session today to start your journey. At Atlantis, we provide you with a tailored personalized financial strategy by choosing the right plans and investments from our strategic partners in Europe, USA, UK and the UAE.

Fill the form to get in touch with your personal financial advisor today!